Hard Sayings
“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.” (Romans 12:14-15)
Ouch. Those are difficult commands.
If a person mocks me and spits in my face, then I’m to “bless” them and seek their well-being? If someone threatens to beat me or punish me because of my faith in Christ, then I’m to express love to them?
If I’m feeling short-changed and discontent, then I’m still to rejoice with my neighbor or friend who is flying high with joy?
If I’m relatively at peace and happy about life, then I’m yet to allow the losses and mourning of someone else to soak into my space so that I may weep with them?
God’s inspired Word to us says, “Yes.”
Over this past week, hard sayings like these have been tested in my life. Maybe for you, too?
News sources continue to report the unbelievable disaster unfolding in Afghanistan. Parents tossing their crying toddlers over walls and barbed wire so that our troops can rescue them from what appears to be certain death (link). Young men falling from hundreds of feet in the air as they lose their grip on the wing of a C-17 cargo jet. Women being rapidly forced into hiding and dragged from their homes. Christians preparing for imminent imprisonment and death. One report claimed the Taliban is murdering people simply if they have a Bible app on their phone or if they had any past collaboration with westerners. This morning, I came across this heartbreaking photo of a young boy, probably around the same age as my son, Carson:

An Afghan child sleeps on the cargo floor of a U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III, kept warm by the uniform of the C-17 loadmaster, during an evacuation flight from Kabul, Afghanistan, Aug. 15. (Photo: USAF)
Armchair Quarterback, Anyone?
In my rather comfortable bubble of middle-class Americana, it’s all-too-easy to “armchair quarterback” the Afghanistan situation with outright disdain and hatred for the persecutors, while also not truly, deeply weeping with my brothers and sisters. I can keep nearly everything at arms-length through a screen.
Am I grieved and even angered by this violent, inhumane turn-of-events? Yes. I’d guess most of you are, too.
But God’s gospel-centered instructions in Paul’s letter to the Romans guides us to:
Let the feelings in and let prayers flow out.
Just prior to the hard sayings of v. 14-15, he wrote, “rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer…” (v. 12).
What can you and I do right now? Pray.
Some of us have family members serving in the US military in or near Afghanistan today. Pray.
Others among us know missionaries serving in or near Afghanistan today. Pray.
All of us now know that the Afghan church was the second fastest growing group of believers in the world (second only to the church in Iran). Pray.
If you’re a governmental or military leader reading this post: Pray. (and read James 1:5-8)
Prayer isn’t our last resort; it is the most effective step we can take.
So let us pray…
Oh God of all mercy and power, bring the light of the gospel to key members of the Taliban. Raise up a Saul to be a Paul within their midst. Turn the hearts of our persecutors to repentance and saving faith in Jesus the Messiah.
Grant our Afghan brothers and sisters the courage and boldness to continue on Your mission no matter the cost.
Shake us loose, as American Christians, from our complacency and apathy. Keep us devoted in prayer and prepared for opposition.
Give wisdom and strength to the decision-makers in our government and military as they seek to peacefully evacuate thousands of US citizens and many other innocent civilians.
Strengthen your Church by the power of the Holy Spirit to be devoted in brotherly love, rejoicing in hope, and serving You, our Lord and God.
Through Jesus Christ, our matchless Savior, we pray, Amen.
See you this Sunday at Mayfair Bible Church, loved ones.
Love in Christ,
Pastor Michael J. Breznau
For a longer guide on how to pray for Afghanistan and the Taliban click here.