Christ our Compass

Celebrating my 40th birthday at USAF Officer Training School was rather underwhelming. However, I did happen to procure an MRE with M&M’s on the big day last May, which brightened my afternoon of field training. But upon our return to the base that weekend, I received a gift shipment from my incredible wife and kiddos. Inside was a beautiful cherrywood box with a handsome compass nestled in the center. Stephanie knows of my love for compasses and how I’ve often woven together spiritual analogies with these captivating devices.

Any compass worth its salt will always point true to magnetic north. From where I stand in the middle of the lower 48, that is just about on-point with true north, too. Roll out a topographical map, mark your route, and set a heading. The compass will lead the way.

Jesus’ sixth “I Am” statement in John’s Gospel is bold and unmistakable:

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me” (John 14:6).

He claims not to be one of many decent options, but the one true Guide for the only trail of Truth and Life. Grammarians quickly notice the thrice repeated definite article (“the”) in this verse, which clears away any notion of universal ways to God.

Christ Jesus is the Compass. He came to be the Compass for a beautiful yet broken world – a planet filled with people following a giant pile of cracked compasses. No man-made trail can lead us to redemption and life forever with God, no matter how good, altruistic, or helpful the path may appear. Only Christ the Compass can “bring us to God…” (1 Peter 3:18b), a return into the communion with our Creator that our hearts long for.

Think about it:

What compass are you following? Check your heading.

Are you linked to True North? Only Christ can lead you there.



In God’s Vineyard,

     Michael J. Breznau

Author: Michael Breznau

:: Who I AM: Husband | Father | Pastor | Speaker | Author | Singer | :: I am a redeemed follower of Jesus, and I'm passionate about inspiring others to follow Him with radical faith. | :: What I DO: I love and pursue knowing the Triune God. I am crazy-in-love with my amazing wife and 4 children. After 14 incredible years in pastoral ministry, including 9 years as a Lead Pastor, I now serve as an active-duty US Air Force Chaplain at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. I am the preaching pastor for the Protestant Chapel and the day-to-day chaplain for the 88th Air Base Wing's Mission Support Group, totaling 1,800 Airmen. | :: The Wallpaper: God gave me the opportunity to be trained for ministry at Dallas Theological Seminary, where I completed the Master of Theology program (Th.M in Pastoral Ministries). I'm currently a 4th year Doctor of Ministry student at Talbot School of Theology - BIOLA University. NOTICE: All views expressed on this website are my own and do not, in part or in whole, reflect the policies or positions of the US Air Force or the US Department of Defense.

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  1. Praise God, Ken and I are on THE RIGHT WAY… looking forward to meeting up with you, Michael… and so many dear ones who have come to Jesus by faith! Thank you for this.

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    • Dear Ken and Carleen,
      Praise the Lord, indeed! I’d love to meet up with you, too. Please let us know when you are passing through the Dayton/Beaver Creek/Xenia/Cedarville, Ohio area.
      Thanks for the encouragement!

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    • It’s great to hear from you, Bill! Thank you so much for the note of encouragement. Praise the living, returning Christ!

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