Discipleship through Relationship
Jesus walked His disciples through streets, towns, and villages full of people who did not recognize Him as the Savior and Messiah. He took them into circles of sick, hurting, needy, crippled, leprous, antagonistic, and even hostile people. To all of these He demonstrated the truth and the infinite love and grace that could change their lives – forever.
Cancerous Christianity
Cancer. That one, singular word cuts into the fabric of our lives with fear and anxiety, doesn’t it? Every person knows someone who has battled against cancer – perhaps you know one who is in the middle of the fight right now. This lethal, fearsome disease is waging war against their body, seeking to wrack their frame with total destruction.
Peace in Chaos: A Christmas Poem
Peace is the goal of the United Nations and peace is the hope of every mother’s contemplation.
Peace seems the delight of the sleeping wee infant;
Yet the rude awakening of earth soon brings screams of pain and trepidation.
Peace is the longing of every man,
but toil and heartache and blisters shadow our hands.
Help for the Small-Church Pastor
In this “results” driven age of church growth seminars and attention grabbing methodology, it would seem that a small church pastorate might equate as failure in the eyes of many recent seminary graduates. However, as Steve Bierly helpfully points out in his short yet poignant work: Help for the Small-Church Pastor, even the smallest congregation can fulfill the biblical purpose for the local church and honor God in their ministry.
Spirit of the Rainforest
Two worlds of vastly different fabrics radically collide in this provocative and emotionally gripping story. Worlds of spirit and spheres of tradition and culture clash with both violence and tranquility in this eye-opening perspective of the Yanomamo people of the Amazon.