Who Knows?
What a day.
I write to you as our national election remains entirely up-in-the-air. Yet you and I must not despair. Although our nation’s fate seems to be hanging by a thread, our hope is in a King, who will deal with justice and truth in the end. As a poet once soulfully proclaimed:
“God is not dead, nor does he sleep
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail…” (H.W. Longfellow)
Nations rise and fall. But the Gospel ensures a future in a kingdom which will not be destroyed. The risen Redeemer heralds the news of victory: “To Him was given a dominion, glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations, and men of every language might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away.” (Daniel 7:14a)
Every conscientious citizen of the USA seems to sit on pins and needles as they await the final outcome of this year’s presidential bid. Each hour (or perhaps every ten minutes!) we are prompted to refresh the voting maps. With each tenth-of-a-percent fluctuation, we feel anxiety and uncertainty burn through our nervous system. News commentators and political analysts throw bits of data back and forth as we numbly watch our glowing screens. Our minds swirl with questions that lack satisfying answers:
“What will be the outcome?”“What if _________ wins?“What then?“Who knows what’s happening right now?!”
Yet there is One who knows precisely how this election will end. Beyond this momentary crisis, He knows and has even planned all things together by the counsel of His will to the praise of His glory (Eph. 1:11-12). A bit of theology 101 helps us: The Triune God stands outside the bounds of time. He is not governed by the clock but created time itself. He knows the end from the beginning and lives eternally as the Alpha and Omega over all created order.
So who knows? God alone.
Our Father knows the ebbs and flows of this great river we call America. Yet don’t rest your hopes and dreams in the land of the free (as beautiful as it may be). For “you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession…” (1 Pet. 2:9a). Remember who you are and whose you are. Even further, take the mission by grasping how He who called you now invites you to live: “…so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light . . .” (1 Pet. 2:9b).
Want to know the final results?
I’ve read the end of the book. In the end, God wins.
Let us place all our trust in Him.
In God’s Vineyard,
Take a moment to allow this song to strengthen your faith in the sovereign Ancient of Days:
Disappearing Lines and Broken Dreams
By Stephanie A. Breznau | October 2020
Would two lines appear?
I sat and waited.
Years scrolled by. Trash cans filled with negatives.
People tell me it’s easy to get pregnant.
“Relax,” they say.
But nothing seems to come from me relaxing.
Ironically, the first time was easy – a surprise honeymoon baby we weren’t planning on, but a boy, who has brought us such joy. Hudson, how we love you.
That was a time of naivety when life was uncomplicated.
Then came the first loss… and another.
Early yet shocking.
Not yet knowing how to grieve, I stuffed my feelings inside and tried to hide my tears.
Finally, another positive test and our daughter was on the way.
But I wasn’t naive anymore. I was scared.No more dreamland for me.
She was beautiful. An amazing gift.
The answer to prayers. Everlynn, oh how we love you.
Yet pregnancy was now a time of anxiety.
Then three more losses.
Five smashed dreams.
And then came the years when I didn’t get pregnant anymore.
So many negative tests.
Not pregnant.
Medicine entered the picture.
It didn’t work the first time, but we decided to try it just once more.
Thank you, Jesus, for Carson. Oh how we love you, son.
Since he was born, two more babies are with Jesus.
More disappearing lines and an empty womb.
People say, “be grateful for the ones you have.”
My children on earth do not somehow cancel out my babies in heaven.
It doesn’t lessen my gratitude to grieve over what will never be.
Yes, we want more children.
But maybe he is my last baby.
I have to learn to accept that and pray God takes the desire for more babies away.
My heart hurts for the loss of my babies.
My heart hurts because my children hurt.
My heart hurts because my husband hurts.
My heart hurts.
I think about the positives, the negatives, the hardship, the trauma, and I’d do it all over again for my three babies. But I wouldn’t wish loss on my worst enemy.
Loss isn’t fluid or easily explained.
Death isn’t something you get over, but something you get through.
With Jesus, I’m journeying through.
One day I’ll see my sweet little ones again.
“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
(Revelation 21:4)
But until that day, I’m weeping and walking with the One who weeps with me.
“A Jesus who never wept could never wipe away my tears.” – Charles Spurgeon
“A mother is never defined by the number of children you can see, but by the love that she holds in her heart.” ~ Franchesca Cox
Walking in the Love,
Fire At My Foundation
Something about fire is both terrifying and mesmerizing. We can’t look away as wood rapidly disappears into leftover, charred carbon particles.
What am I doing? What is my motive? What are the construction materials of my priorities?
One Day.
Vainglory will be vaporized. Pride will be scorched. Man-made religious systems will burn to the ground.
Self-centered ambition will be torched. Nations will collapse. Money will turn to ash.
Stocks and bonds, houses and boats, cars and lands will slip through our grasp.
On what foundation am I building my life?
“Anyone who builds on that foundation may use a variety of materials—gold, silver, jewels, wood, hay, or straw. But on the judgment day, fire will reveal what kind of work each builder has done. The fire will show if a person’s work has any value.” (1 Corinthians 3:12-13)
In God’s Vineyard,
What’s Your Temperature?
As COVID-19 presses on, work floods in, financial concerns mount, and the incoming school year looms, we all can see tension and anger flare up. The emotional temperature of households is on the rise.
Anger and harshness can be a sign of burn-out, fatigue, and over-commitment. In counseling men, I’ve noticed anger also tends to rise to the surface when they hide a repeating pattern of sexual lust. Wrath can well up when people don’t meet our expectations, e.g. the house isn’t cleaned or ordered the way we prefer, a project at work isn’t executed as planned, a customer is upset with one of our employees, a child gets in trouble or fails an exam at school, and on the list goes.
Here’s the truth: the COVID-19 crisis, political tension, and economic collapse of 2020 all mix together for a perfect recipe of maddening stress. The result? Anger heats up in all our relationships….at work, in the home, and even within the church, God’s family.
So how are you? Have you used a thermometer on your anger and stress level lately? What’s your temperature?
Let’s pause over this verse:
“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” (Proverbs 15:1)
How might God change the choice and tone of your words today? How might you extinguish the flames of wrath through words seasoned with grace this coming week?
Feel free to get transparent about your temperature with your spouse, small group leader, or a close friend.
Authenticity is the good garden soil of God’s healing grace.
What’s your temperature?
Love in Christ,
Pastor Michael
Is God on Vacation?
Tensions continue to rise across the western hemisphere as COVID-19 cases mount and protests result in terrifying riots. We may give thanks that COVID-19 hospitalizations and related deaths are in significant decline. We may breathe a sigh of relief that BLM marches are remarkably peaceful across our region.
Nevertheless, political commentators slam each other with verbal sledgehammers on a nightly basis. Republicans and Democrats have, perhaps, never been more polarized. Social media platforms are aflame with rhetoric that betrays our collective ignorance to the truth.
Yet where is God in all of this? Is Jesus out on vacation?
Loved ones, God’s plan has not been foiled nor is He caught off-guard by the depravity of humanity. His beautiful blueprints are not wrinkled or torn. The God over the universe, who holds stars in space and paints the sky, is writing a story to display His glory. The timeline of history manifests His mercy.
But in the bewildering days, months, and years between a shuttered Garden and the renewed Creation, we all-too-easily lose sight of God’s ancient-present-future mercy. So…
We wring our hands, grit our teeth, complain to friends, and anxiously wait for some way to have a decent weekend.
Words like these crash like a set of waves each day. So, songwriter, Andrew Peterson, asks us, “Do you feel the world is broken?”
We do.
“Do you feel the shadows deepen?”
We do.
But there is One worthy to rightfully rule. His loving faithfulness has not clocked out. Therefore, just like those who battled with faith long before, we need a recall moment – a summary of redemptive history. Here’s how God brings His ancient-present-future mercy back into focus through Isaiah the prophet:
Yes, this may take a moment. Stop the hurry. P-A-U-S-E the scroll. Rehearse the mercies of God with me:
“I shall make mention of the lovingkindnesses of the LORD, the praises of the LORD,
According to all that the LORD has granted us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which He has granted them according to His compassion and according to the abundance of His lovingkindnesses.
For He said, ‘Surely, they are My people, sons who will not deal falsely,’
So He became their Savior.
In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the angel of His presence saved them;
In His love and in His mercy He redeemed them, and He lifted them and carried them all the days of old.
But they rebelled and grieved the Holy Spirit;
Therefore He turned Himself to become their enemy, He fought against them.
Then His people remembered the days of old, of Moses.
Where is He who brought them up out of the sea with the shepherds of His flock?
Where is He who put His Holy Spirit in the midst of them, who caused His glorious arm to go at the right hand of Moses, who divided the waters before them to make for Himself an everlasting name, who led them through the depths?
Like the horse in the wilderness, they did not stumble;
As the cattle which go down into the valley, the Spirit of the LORD gave them rest.
So You let Your people, to make Yourself a glorious name.”
(Isaiah 63:7-14)
As God led His people in the past, so He will lead us today.
The Psalms and the Prophets are strategically seasoned with reverential reviews of God’s past demonstrations of His power and grace.
Why? Because, as one of my seminary professors continually reminded us, “What God has done in the past is a promise and a model for the future, but He is too creative to do it the same way twice.” (Dr. James Allman)
In His creativity, He is – right now – writing a sovereign story. Reading through redemptive history strengthens our present joy in God’s mercy.
So, let us bow our hearts to the LORD, the Ruler-King over everyone and everything.
I invite you to worship this King, the Worthy One:
In God’s Vineyard,
As a White Woman
As a white woman, I cannot know exactly what my black brothers and sisters have gone through and are currently enduring. I never can honestly say, “I know what that feels like” or “I fully understand”.
Case in point:
I will never worry about my children being targeted because of the color of their skin. I will never worry about what may happen if my husband gets stopped by police or if my sons go jogging or play basketball at the park with their friends. I most likely won’t have to worry about an unannounced home invasion where I could be killed.
Our skin color and cultural differences may be evident, but our blood runs the same. We should acknowledge our beautiful differences while remembering that God created us equal. No color blindness here.
I remember as a little girl, having a boiling-mad feeling…
…when I discovered the history of slavery.
…when I realized racism in our country wasn’t a thing of the past.
…when I awoke to the bits of prejudiced ideas and notions going on in my tiny growing brain.
…when I first heard that racially-charged joke
…when someone made a comment like, “well, she’s pretty for a black girl.” 🤯
And I’ve tried since that day to kick out every ounce of it. Racism deserves no place in my life or heart.
Yet across our world, racism is alive and well; and you know the cause? Sin.
Racism is a SIN.
It breaks God’s heart,
it breaks my heart,
and it should break your heart.
I’m not always exactly sure what I can do, but here are a few things I can suggest…
- Listen: and before you open your mouth to give an opinion, listen more. As much as we try to understand, we will never fully know the horrors, the injustice, and the abuse our friends have endured.
- Learn: Don’t expect others to do your research work for you.
- Pray: Pray for our brothers and sisters dealing with daily attacks, pray for the hardened, wicked hearts of racist people, and pray for healing and unity.
- Stand: Find ways you can be an advocate in your community and church.
- Speak: Don’t allow racist remarks or jokes in your presence. Silence is complicity.
- Feel: Demonstrate empathy. Weep with them. Love them.
- Be Pro All-Life: if you advocate for the life of the unborn, but refuse to stand up for our black brothers and sisters, I would argue that you are only pro-preborn life. We must be consistent and stand up for all life including other ethnic groups, the elderly, the abused, etc.
- Evangelize: Jesus condemns racism and teaches us to love others. But the gospel is NOT merely a social message, but a salvation message. The gospel is the announcement that Jesus Christ was sent by the Father to die for our sins, and that He rose from the dead on the third day by the Holy Spirit.
“For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4; see also: Romans 3:23-26, 8:11)
He died for ALL sins – even racism.
Repent today and go forward into a new life with Jesus. Even the worst racist, immoral, violent, profane person can be forgiven and transformed by the overflowing grace of God in Christ.
“Oh Jesus, friend of sinners,
Open our eyes to world at
the end of our pointing fingers.
Let our hearts be led by mercy,
Help us reach with open hearts
and open doors.
Oh Jesus, friend of sinners,
break our hearts for
what breaks Yours”
(from the song, “Jesus, Friend of Sinners” by Casting Crowns) Watch + Listen here:
Let us pray…
Lord, continue to break my heart, and the hearts of all people, for what breaks Yours. Please Jesus, heal the broken and divided lines in our country. Help us to accept one another in all our unique diversity, ethnic differences, and varied opinions. Help us to see past our own ideas, and see the people.
Our 3-PHASE Regathering Plan
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Each morning, I arise with thankfulness to the Lord for the opportunity to serve alongside you. The family God has united at Mayfair holds a rare combination of grace, generosity, and get-r-done enthusiasm.
I’ve felt the deep heartbeat and warm love of the Mayfair family over the past eight weeks in ways beyond comparison. I know I’m not the only one who has witnessed this outpouring of the church alive even when we’re apart. Dozens of households within our ecclesia have tasted and seen God’s goodness through one another. Just as one example, our Loving by Calling ministry continues to bless homes with renewed hope and joy each week.
Beyond our mutual mercy in the family, our entire community has experienced the comfort of Christ through deliveries, prayers, food bags, letters, gospel tracts, and more. No exaggeration: we’ve offered well over 1,500 prayers (yes, you heard that right) with perfect strangers over the now eight weeks of our Food Hub.
Our musicians and media team have worked diligently – even tirelessly – to present God’s good news in song, prayer, and word each and every week. God cleared the way for us to host 13 community leaders for an online National Day of Prayer event that reached over 3,000 people. I’m sure you and I could go on with dozens of vignettes and anecdotes about God’s faithfulness to us during this swirling season of global crisis.
I cannot wait to hear all those stories. Below you’ll see just how and when we’ll go about magnifying God’s grace together in the very near future. But even today, let’s follow the exhortation of David to bless the Lord by boasting in Him (instead of ourselves):
I will bless the LORD at all times [even in COVID-19 crisis times]
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul will make its boast in the LORD;
The humble will hear it and rejoice.
O magnify the LORD with me,
And let us exalt His name together.
O taste and see that the LORD is good;
How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!
(Psalm 34:1-3, 8)
Please take a moment to carefully review our 3-Phase Re-Gathering plan. My family and I deeply look forward to gathering to worship Christ with all of you again very soon. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him and lean on His Word.
Love in Christ,
Lead Pastor |
WATCH my video announcement:
Time has whizzed by. We now stand at the two-month mark of our state-wide lockdown. It’s hard to believe eight Sundays have passed without God’s people filling our auditorium with songs of praise. We rapidly closed down in-person gatherings with the aim of caring for the safety and wellbeing of the church-flock and our community.
We’re grateful to God for the opportunity to listen, share, and encourage through our online ministry. But church is not an event to attend, but a community in which to engage. All along, we’ve reminded ourselves that online ministry is intended as a short-term compromise, not a long-term convenience. We all long to return to the assembly of the redeemed in Christ…to sing together, pray together, baptize together, celebrate communion together, serve together, learn together, and grow together.
After praying, conducting surveys, participating in a video-conference with 30 other local pastors, discussing plans with medical professionals and local community leaders, as well as our team of elders and deacons, we’ve developed a 3 Phase Plan for Re-Gathering. This coming Sunday, May 17th we’ll continue with our Mayfair @ Home with 10:45AM online worship, preaching, and THRIVE Kids ministry (10:00AM). On Wednesday, May 20th we’ll hold our AWANA kids closing program live-streamed online at 7PM (only leaders physically present).
All elderly, immunocompromised, or other high-risk individuals are strongly encouraged to continue worshiping at home during PHASE ONE. All Mayfair services and programs are voluntary. All plans are subject to change.
PHASE ONE: “Tip-Toe”
- May 24 Mayfair @ Home: Online Worship – 10:45AM
- + Family Picnic at our Pavilion at 12:30PM (Memorial Day Weekend). Bring your own lunch; enjoy in-person testimony time and hymn sing!
- May 31 Mayfair @ Mayfair: Re-gathered Worship! – 10:45AM | Pentecost Sunday
- + Outdoor Baptisms at our Main Entrance at conclusion of service!
- June 7 Mayfair @ Mayfair: Re-gathered Worship! – 10:45AM
- June 14 Mayfair @ Mayfair: Re-gathered Worship! – 10:45AM
PHASE ONE Safety Measures:
- Only one entrance: Main Doors
- No THRIVE Kids or nursery staffing will be offered (but nursery open to mothers with infants)
- Church facilities will be sanitized before and after services
- Touchless hand-sanitizer dispensers will be located in foyer
- Family units will sit 6 ft. apart and in every other pew. Seating will begin in the front of the auditorium and fill up to the back. (Ushers will direct each family and/or individual)
- All must cooperate with the ushers’ directives and not simply go to their typical pew arrangement
- Physical distancing will be practiced in and on church property
- Face-coverings/masks should be worn in the church building (we have a stock for those in need)
- Auditorium may not exceed 50% capacity while still maintaining distancing (may require two Sunday services if Phase 1 continues for several weeks). Full Capacity: 810 people.
- An offering box will be located by the main double doors of the auditorium (no plates passed)
- A Simulcast will be provided in the Library for those who feel unsafe in the auditorium.
- Funerals, weddings, and baptisms may resume under the same conditions
- The coffee bar will not be open. The water fountains will also not be in service.
- NOTICE: If you’ve had flu-like symptoms, a persistent cough, a fever, chills, or other symptoms in the past two weeks, then please stay at home. Please check your temperature before you arrive.
PHASE TWO: “Steady Walk”
- June 21 Mayfair @ Mayfair: Worship – 10:45AM | Father’s Day!
- + THRIVE Kids resumes! – check-in at 10:30AM
- June 28 Mayfair @ Mayfair: Worship – 10:45AM | New Member Sunday!
- + Semi-Annual Business Meeting: 9:15-10:15AM
- + THRIVE Kids – 9:15AM and 10:45AM
- July 5 Mayfair @ Mayfair: Worship – 10:45AM
- + THRIVE Kids – check-in at 10:30AM
- July 12 Mayfair @ Mayfair: Worship – 10:45AM
- + THRIVE Kids – check-in at 10:30AM
PHASE TWO Safety Measures:
- Church facilities will be sanitized before and after services
- Touchless hand-sanitizer dispensers will be located in foyer
- Family units will sit 6 ft. apart and in every other pew. Seating will begin in the front of the auditorium and fill up to the back. (Ushers will direct each family and/or individual)
- Auditorium may not exceed 50% capacity while still maintaining distancing (may require two Sunday services if Phase 1 continues for several weeks).
- An offering box will be located by the main double doors of the auditorium (no plates passed)
- A Simulcast will be provided in the Library for those who feel unsafe in the auditorium.
- The coffee bar will not be open. The water fountains will also not be in service.
- NOTICE: If you’ve had flu-like symptoms, a persistent cough, a fever, chills, or other symptoms in the past two weeks, then please stay at home. Please check your temperature before you arrive.
- July 19th and forward, Lord willing, all weekend and weekday ministries may resume under normal safety protocols.
Q: How long can the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 survive on surfaces?
“A recent study found that the COVID-19 coronavirus can survive up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard, and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel. The researchers also found that this virus can hang out as droplets in the air for up to three hours before they fall. But most often they will fall more quickly. There’s a lot we still don’t know, such as how different conditions, such as exposure to sunlight, heat, or cold, can affect these survival times.” –
Q: Where does the Bible talk about gathering together for worship?
Acts 1:6; 2:37-47; 4:31; 12:12; 20:8; 1 Cor. 11:23-26; Col. 3:11-17; 1 Tim. 4:13; Heb. 10:23-25.
See also Pastor Michael’s article and video on this subject here:
Q: Is it illegal to gather for worship under Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order?
No. Our Governor’s Executive Order 2020-77 (COVID-19) – Section 16 makes this clear: “Consistent with prior guidance, neither a place of religious worship nor its owner is subject to penalty under section 20 of this order for allowing religious worship at such place. No individual is subject to penalty under section 20 of this order for engaging in or traveling to engage in religious worship at a place of religious worship, or for violating section 15(a) of this order. –,9309,7-387-90499_90705-528460–,00.html
Jesus be the Center
:: When someone tells you anything like…
I’m hurting
I’m struggling
I’m sad
I’m scared
I’m grieving
I’m overwhelmed
I’m upset
I’m stressed
I’m exhausted
I’m lonely
I’m frustrated
Be there
Cry with them
Pray for and with them
Ask them how you can help
Tell them you love them
Offer help
Do Not…
Give advice (unless they ask)
React negatively
Compare your own life
Tell them someone has it worse than them
Tell them to get over it
Share platitudes
that we aren’t perfect.
that everyone needs compassion and empathy.
our own struggles.
that life is precious no matter the age or development.
That it’s okay not to have the answers.
that no one is “too far gone” for the grace, love, and forgiveness of Jesus.
That feelings of sadness, isolation, anger, frustration, and angst are all normal tings to feel.
That it’s okay to NOT be okay (because, I’m not all that okay myself right now).
This time is HARD for everyone, and completely unprecedented in our time. All of us are trying to figure life out, whether it’s suddenly having to do crisis homeschooling, losing our jobs, being quarantined with your abusers, struggling with mental health alone, losing therapies and medical support, etc. My hard is different than your hard, but your hard is still a tough thing to deal with.
Jesus can do hard like no one else.
He wept
He danced
He overturned tables
He created wine out of water,
…but most tangibly, He died for us.
He knows and He understands. ❤️
Remember that one day we will look back with some awe and wonder at how we functioned and lived, a lot of sadness at sickness, death, and being temporarily separated from loved ones and friends, and maybe even some regret at how we had lived our lives previous to being forced to stay home or work even harder at our essential jobs.
What will we tell future generations? I’m hoping we can share that we banded together, loved each other, forgave one other, learned to live better with each other, grieved together, listened harder, and moved forward into a new chapter. And also that we judged less and loved more.
Spring is here.
And then summer.
And so on and so forth.
And what then?
I hope that we will remember unity and strength.
And that we cared.
And that empathy was a key emotion.
Go forward with compassion.
May Jesus be the center of our motives and actions.
May His love shine through us as a beacon for those in the eye of the storm.
Beloved, Don’t Dismiss the Experts
Deeply loved friends and family:
Don’t dismiss the experts, the experienced, and the trade-specific professionals.
Think of it this way…
⏺You’re a master mechanic. You’ve been in the business for 26 years. Know-it-all Joe shows up with a leaking radiator and a broken alternator. You know this because you’ve run the diagnostics and have experience with his car’s specific make/model. The parts need to be replaced ASAP.
🛑BUT Joe claims it’s the water pump. He knows this because he Googled and YouTubed possible symptoms and cause-effect sequences with his vehicle. You kindly offer reality to Joe. He argues and debates with you for 39 minutes and then has the car towed to a friend’s unlicensed garage to repair the problem he thinks he has.
⏺You’re a certified public accountant. You’ve been in that line of work for 19 years. You became a partner in the firm 6 years ago. You know tax law, mergers and acquisitions, advanced bookkeeping, and much more like the back of your hand. New business owner Amy shows up at your office and asks you to do her sole-proprietorship taxes. You’re happy to help. But she needs to file a Schedule C and a few other additional forms. All her receipts and mileage records need to be turned into you.
🛑BUT Amy claims she doesn’t need all those records and forms. In fact, her record-keeping is messy and missing important documentation. She “knows” because she Googled info and is a part of a Facebook group with other small business owners that tell her not to worry about it and that the IRS won’t bother to audit her because her revenue is so small. After counter-arguing with you for 2 unbillable hours, she walks out with manila folders in tow, deciding she’ll manipulate it on her own with TurboTax.
⏺You’re an ordained pastor. You’ve enjoyed full-time ministry for 23 years. You earned 8 years of post-secondary education, including a 4-year master’s degree with studies in systematic theology, NT Greek, OT Hebrew, and advanced preaching. Armchair theologian Doug shows up at your office with a new idea: he believes the hypostatic union of Christ’s two natures (100% human and 100% divine) is an outdated idea. Instead, he claims Jesus was a created being like you and me and became deity – God – when He was resurrected from the dead. You graciously explain how that view isn’t compatible with the Bible, the teaching of the church fathers, and simply isn’t theologically workable.
🛑BUT Doug dogmatically believes he is correct because he read through the Bible 10 times, owns a Strong’s concordance that proves the words mean what he thinks they mean, and watched 700 hours of YouTube videos from three different people who teach this interpretation. After angrily debating for 3 straight hours, he leaves the church in a huff and shouts on his way out the door, “You’ll never see me here again! I can’t believe how all those seminary teachers you had got this wrong.”
⚠️Friends, it’s like this with EVERYTHING. Perhaps you’re a computer programmer, seamstress, landscape architect, high school teacher, or residential home builder. Recall trying to explain the fundamentals of your trade to a customer, who claimed they knew better than you because of a TV show, book, or YouTube video?
…Now imagine this:
⏺You’re a medical doctor. You’ve been practicing for over two and a half decades. You’re a graduate of The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. You went beyond the M.D. and earned a post-doc from the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology Department with a special focus in epidemiology and mortality data analysis. Masses of Americans come pounding on your proverbial door claiming they know the cause of #COVID19 / #Coronavirus and a series of potential cures. You calmly explain all that you and your team understand about the virus, the likely cause, and the most effective treatments available at this time.
🛑BUT the masses of Mr. and Mrs. America berate your findings, claim you’ve been bought by conspiring billionaires, and shun your advice. After angrily and fearfully debating for 49 days in every corner of the internet, they throw their hands up in the air and shout, “You’re less reliable than the local weatherman” (who, incidentally, is equally offended because last time he checked, 99% of the USA didn’t know how to formulate radar and satellite data into a weather report).
So, dear friends, I write this not to say, “Don’t study or satisfy your intellectual curiosity.” I’m also not saying, “Trust everything any doctor tells you.” I always recommend getting a second and third opinion. I’m not saying I agree with every move that the WHO, the CDC, or state-level officials have made. I’m baffled by the arbitrariness of our governor’s most recent executive order. Furthermore, I understand the medical field is not monolithic in its opinions, diagnoses, and conclusions. By definition, science is never fully “settled.” New findings are always possible.
However, I have several relatives who are medical doctors, personal friends who are also highly trained physicians, as well as dozens of middle-level providers and nurses. They are ALL working very hard. They deserve our support. They’re crying out for our prayers and encouragement.
Additionally, I have some good friends in the news media. They are confessing Christians. You see them on TV. They’re trustworthy people. I see them working very hard to gather the facts and accurately report them to us. I’m not saying, “believe everything you read in the paper or hear on TV.”
But let’s not assume the worst of every human being who disagrees with us.
Let’s all pause before we post. Let’s remember the feeling we get when someone denies the fundamentals of our field of expertise.
Above all, let’s put our full trust in God so that we can honor everyone. Today, many wonder about the integrity of our government leaders and medical professionals. But God’s people put their trust in God’s integrity. This frees us up to honor our faulty leaders because our trust isn’t in them but in the God who appointed them. America’s founding fathers got it right: “In God We Trust.”
Apostles Peter and James both wrote to first-century Christians under intense suffering and growing levels of direct persecution. To these fledgling groups of Jesus-followers, they reminded them of these important truths:
“Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.” (1 Peter 2:17)
“But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess. Yet do it with courtesy and respect, keeping a good conscience, so that those who slander your good conduct in Christ may be put to shame when they accuse you. For it is better to suffer for doing good, if God wills it, than for doing evil.” (1 Peter 3:15-17)
This you know, my beloved brethren. But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.” (James 1:19-20)
I love you. I’m praying for you. We’re in this together… for the glory of Christ.
In God’s Vineyard,
Michael J. Breznau
Now Is The Time.
Now is the time. God’s power working through His people can do what the government cannot.
How may we band together to step up as a unified force of good-will for the peace and welfare of our community?
I’m calling all of us, as the people of Mayfair Bible Church, to fervently pray and consider what we can do to serve those hit hardest by the COVID-19 crisis. What ideas do you have? How will you help? (just hit reply and let me know)
“Why it matters: Market watchers of all stripes agree that the Fed’s tools alone are insufficient to counter the damage likely to be done to the U.S. economy from the coronavirus outbreak and shutdown of businesses that has already begun.
Fed chair Jerome Powell admitted as much during his press conference Sunday, saying, ‘We don’t have the tools to reach individuals and particularly small businesses and other businesses and people who may be out of work.’ I think fiscal policy is a way to direct relief to particular populations and groups … we do think fiscal responses are critical.’” (from
Bottom-line: the Fed doesn’t have the answer.
What will be the response of Jesus-followers from coast-to-coast?
During this unique, challenging season, may our hearts and hands be guided by these key verses:
“Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)
“So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” (Galatians 6:10)
“For we are HIs workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)
“Keep your behavior excellent among your unbelieving neighbors, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation.” (1 Peter 2:12)
Good works lead to good-will which leads to good news opportunities.
As we’ve prayed for wisdom and creativity from God about how to move forward on mission as Jesus-followers, we’ve arrived at least five ways we can all get involved in displaying the mercy and message of Jesus:
1. PRAYING IN HOMES: Tonight (Wednesday) at 7PM, I’ll be leading a Facebook LIVE praise and prayer gathering in my living room. You’ll be able to sing along, post prayer requests, share Bible verses, and let others know that you’re praying along with them. Click here to access our page: https://www.facebook.
2. LOVING BY CALLING: We have identified 76 households in our church family that would be particularly blessed by a brief phone call. Many of the people on this list are particularly high-risk and/or elderly. We’re looking for 15 members to step forward for a “loving by calling” ministry to these vital members of our church community. Are you willing and available? If yes, please reply to this email ASAP. We will give you 5 names/numbers and a brief guide. Thank you so much!
3. CARING IN CRISIS: Are you out of work and therefore without pay, as a result of COVID-19? If you are without pay/work because of COVID-19, would you consider yourself or your family in immediate need of basic necessities? If your answer is “yes” to these two questions, we invite you to contact us via Facebook private message, email (, or a phone call to the church office (810.733.7130). Your information will remain confidential.
Reports indicate that many hourly workers have been laid off and some small businesses are letting go of staff.
We are here. We are a family. We are in this together.
Our partner organization, Flushing Christian Outreach Center, will also be on the frontlines assisting needy families by providing additional food. Consider enlisting yourself on their volunteer team. FCOC is located in our Thrive Center building adjacent to our main facility.
4. SERVING OUR SCHOOLS: The public school systems in our area are currently serving breakfasts and lunches to hundreds of children, who would normally receive them for free or at a very low cost at school. We’ve reached out to Flushing, Mt. Morris, Carmen-Ainsworth, Hamady, and Genesee Christian school districts to offer assistance.
We are currently slated to deliver school meals to families who are unable to pick-up their meals due to a lack of transportation in the Flushing ISD. We are also lining up help for several within the GCS community. We are working directly with school administration to ascertain needs.
5. REACHING OUR COMMUNITY: The Genesee County Sheriff’s Department has called upon all faith-based organizations to mobilize as a Community Task Force. We have stepped forward to serve. As of this afternoon, we are now receiving specific needs that are flowing through two lines of administration before they are given to us: the Sheriff’s Department and then through the Chaplain’s Office. We need people to drop off toilet paper, soap, hand sanitizer, and non-perishable food items for distribution. We also need volunteers (go in pairs) to deliver items to those without transportation.
READY TO HELP? If you’d like to help with any of these ministry opportunities, please let us know. Simply reply to this email or call the church office (810-733-7130).
Above all, let us overflow in gratitude. God has given us His grace, mercy, and peace. We walk in those blessing-gifts of salvation every moment of every day.
“Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.” (Colossians 2:6-7)
This past Saturday and Sunday, we moved all four sessions of our ALL NATIONS Mayfair Missions Conference 2020 to Live-Streaming only, at Mayfair Bible Church.
With the onslaught of COVID-19 coronavirus, our desire to honor our civil leaders for the peace and welfare of our community and the safety of our church-flock necessitated this difficult decision (see Jer. 29:7; Rom. 13:1-5; Gal. 6:10; 1 Pet. 2:13-17).
When we obey God, He often does unexpected and amazing things.
As of this morning, those four live-stream sessions have been viewed 3,557 times.
Our 10:45 AM Worship service accounts for over 1.6k views. We’re blown away by the participation and the response. Praise be to the living God!
We’ll be back online this coming Sunday at 10:45AM and we look forward to you joining us. Your pastors and our awesome team of music and A/V tech volunteers are working hard this week to further improve the overall quality and presentation of our live-stream services. I’m excited about the enhancements that you’ll notice this coming Lord’s Day.
- The best real-time participation for each LIVE streaming event will be on our Facebook page:
- Live-streaming is also available on our website: LIVE Stream – Mayfair Bible Church
Please review the newly updated MEMO on “Our Church and COVID-19” – click here:
PARENTS: Paula Daughenbaugh, our children’s ministry director, is posting awesome tips, videos, and resources for managing this extended (and unexpected!) time with the kiddos at home. Go to our Thrive Kids Facebook group! –>
As previously stated, many blood drives are canceled with school closings. Also, other drives have canceled and routine blood donors are canceling their appointments due to concerns of their safety. Versiti will be taking preventative measures to ensure safety of the donors and recipients, as referenced in the press release (see below). With all the members in our community seeking help at local hospitals, it is imperative that those of us who can donate blood, do so.
Here’s my personal cell number to reach me to make an appointment directly: 810.624.7479.
God Bless, and stay healthy!
Kimberly Strnad (Mayfair Bible Church Blood Drive Director)
Click here for the Versiti Blood Drive Press Release concerning COVID-19: https://www.versiti.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him and lean on His Word.