Dear Younger Me
Dear Younger Me,
Life is hard but one day things are going to be okay…
You will realize that grace wins and legalism loses; that nothing you can do will make Jesus love you more or less than He did when you came to Him for salvation at 7-years-old. You will wish you had known this much sooner in life, but grateful it happened at all!
You will . . .
I’m Blessed With Iron
Today, I’m reminded of two men much wiser and further down the trail of life, who’ve taken time to invest in me. One up close. The other far away. They’ve asked me heart-level questions and remarkably remembered specific details about my life and ministry. The one nearby knows me much better than the other. But they both have deeply impacted my heart and mindset about pastoral ministry. . .
Living “The Good Life”
“I’m living ‘the good life’!” someone remarked to me several months ago.
With a big smile, they proceeded to share with me how they were reveling in a windfall of financial freedom, extra time, good health, and frequent vacations. I was genuinely happy for them. Enjoying life isn’t bad. I’m not ready to hit people on the head with a Puritanical mallet, nor is God a cosmic kill-joy. . . .
Remember When…?
Without fail, at least half of our conversations begin with, “Hey do you remember when…?”
Laughter ensues as we retell our perspectives on the crazy trip to Washington, D.C., the cross-state cycling journey, our evangelistic efforts in downtown Flint, or the campout in the dead of winter. We look back with fond memories, but also some wise evaluation of how we’ve ended up where we are now. We reflect on some regrets and discuss how we’d like to plan for the future. Most importantly, as we remember the experiences, choices, and outcomes of our youth, the conversation moves toward the grace and power of God. . .
Touching the Line
Stop in your tracks.
Remember you’ve tasted grace…a life worth more than this.
Cheap, broken God-replacements don’t work and cannot satisfy. So slay lust before it is consummated. Don’t allow nascent sin-thoughts to conceive and give birth to death in your soul. . . .
The Day that Never Came
We all love the feeling of anticipation about a long awaited day. We look forward to exciting things happening as we circle items on our calendars. We count down the hours by crossing off the finished days each night. We have hope in our waiting.
The only due date I don’t like, however, is the one marked for a baby that will never come. . . .