Pawns on the Chessboard?
Temperatures may wildly rise and fall. Economic concerns may skyrocket across the globe. Political crises will see-saw from sea to shining sea. But meanwhile, we stand on the sidelines like pawns on the chessboard of the powerful. Or do we? . . . .
There’s no denying it. We live in a culture of increasing darkness, confusion, and death. We are hopeful and prayerful for a spiritual awakening in the world. Yet there is no mistaking our surroundings. We’re not in Mayberry anymore, folks. . . .
One Race
Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream is God’s design for His Church.
We are one race – the human race – of many ethnicities united in God’s love to the praise His glorious grace. . . .
Gifts That Last Beyond New Year’s
But now a week after that giddy morning, the gifts are rather scattered. Some still receive attention… Carson wants me to re-read his books each night. Hudson continues to examine his Legos. Everlynn cheerily plays with her kitchen coffee set. Yet other items – so treasured on Christmas morning – are already gathering dust in the corner. A bit of fatherly detective work proves that two certain stockings are already entirely empty. The chocolates and treats have gone the way of all other tasty candies: down the trap and into the stomach they go, never to be heard from again!
More than the most chock-full Christmas tree, the multi-faceted gifts of God wrapped up in Christmas abound. . . .
One Must Do in 2019
We’re just a day away from the launch of 2019 and resolution ideas are spreading across social media. With all the self-help lists come charts of what every good person “must do” or “must read” in 2019. We must: eat healthier, exercise more regularly, pay down more debt, save more money, be more productive, and on the list goes…
Yet while all those “must do’s” may be all well and good, there is one action step I believe we all must do as Jesus-followers in 2019….
Upside Down Christmas
Christmas is a time of laughter, decorations, family outings, shopping, cooking, reflecting on the birth of Jesus, and so much more! We are supposed to be spreading Christmas cheer and everyone is expected to be happy, right?!
I enjoy the trimmings of Christmastide just as much as the happiest elf. Yet….