Dear Mayfair Bible Church…
On December 3rd, I accepted the call to serve as Lead Pastor for Mayfair Bible Church of Flushing, Michigan. Our hearts are overwhelmed with praise to God. Below is a short video we produced and letter I’ve written to the wonderful flock at Mayfair…
Giving Thanks To…
“Why do people think Thanksgiving is all about eating turkey, Papa?” Hudson remarked. Our inquisitive little man looked into my eyes with a concerned gaze as his giant bowl of oatmeal grew cold.
“Well Hudson, most people know the basic story of Thanksgiving Day as a piece of history. But, today, many don’t seem to think about why we celebrate this holiday and specifically to whom we are giving thanks.” I responded.
“Yeah, Papa… I know what Thanksgiving is all about. And it’s NOT about turkey!” Hudson declared with a professorial tone….
Feeding the Monster
…many of us adults (and teens, too) have a monster we rather like to coddle and feed on a regular basis. His name? Harry Ego Monster. Or perhaps her name is Penelope Popularity Monster. Parker Pride Monster? Take your pick.
In the age of social media you and I are easily entrapped into feeding this insidious monster. We begin to, perhaps, subconsciously act on this line of thinking:
500 Today | My Thirteen Theses for the 21st Century
On this day 500 years ago, a youthful 33-year-old professor crossed a theological rubicon. Little did he know his rather quiet life as an Augustinian friar would become a lightening rod from that day forward.
October 31, 1517 marks the pivotal moment when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of All Saint’s Church in Wittenburg (though he may have “mailed” it, per my friend Dr. Michael Svigel)…
Retro Marriage
…what about when a marriage encounters a serious challenge? Dark gray storm clouds loom over many homes as anger festers, bitterness grows, and un-forgiveness encroaches on the commitment made at the altar.
So how can you and I have a healthy, grace-centered marriage?
A Seesaw Life
Sometimes life can be like a seesaw – a seesaw of circumstances, emotions, or challenges. You and I may wonder: “When can I get off this seesaw ride already!?”
Yet through the storms and ups and downs of life we have an anchor, if we’re in union with Christ.