How can we be filled with Christmas cheer when our eyes are welling up with tears?
Our hearts are aching from loved ones dying
Our minds are racing with COVID news recycling
Our bodies are breaking under the weight of societal dividing, cities rioting, and politicians lying . . .
Dear Skeptic: Where is God when Evil is Winning?
A claim raised by many people today is that the amount and kind of evil we see in the world is very strong evidence against the existence of God. This argument has been brought before me in various ways, e.g. as a question from a believer, a skeptic’s counterpoint, and from the heart-cries of those suffering deep grief and loss. Such a hypothesis deserves a thorough response. . . .
Devote Yourself to the Public Reading of Scripture: BOOK REVIEW
For too many churches, reading the Bible in the corporate worship setting has resolved to be “little more than homiletical throat-clearing before the sermon”. With great concern, we must remember the timeless principle developed by the early church in their process of discipling new converts: lex orandi lex credendi – “the way we worship forms what we believe” . . .
How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth: BOOK REVIEW
The old adage still floats around our society, “People can make the Bible say whatever they want it to say.” Even among less cynical churchgoers who profess a high view of Scripture, many seem lost when it comes to accurately interpreting and applying God’s Word. Conservative evangelical churches are ripe with classes, small groups, and even sermons that ignorantly contort the scriptures and rip them out of context. Every election cycle in America is met with Christians publicly (yet unknowingly?) claiming promises for their “homeland” that were only intended for national Israel (e.g. 2 Chron. 7:14).
Aslan in Afghanistan
Between Darkness and Light.
Wars and chaos increase around the globe. The pandemic marches on with a seemingly unending cycle. Yet Aslan is on the move.
Aslan who?
Afghanistan and Armchair Quarterbacks
Over this past week, hard sayings like these have been tested in my life. Maybe for you, too?
News sources continue to report the unbelievable disaster unfolding in Afghanistan. Parents tossing their crying toddlers over walls and barbed wire so that our troops can rescue them from what appears to be certain death (link). Young men falling from hundreds of feet in the air as they lose their grip on the wing of a C-17 cargo jet. Women being rapidly forced into hiding . . .