A Weary World

A Weary World

The world is weary. 2020 has waged its battle against us in more ways than one. Families, marriages, businesses, and nations are all showing signs of multiple stress fractures.
Yet this is not a unique or new experience for humanity. . .

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The First Thanksgiving?

The First Thanksgiving?

Most Americans think of a brisk yet beautiful November day in 1621 when the Pilgrims celebrated their first Thanksgiving celebration to God. Their battle to survive in the New World was fierce, yet their Creator brought them through. However . . .

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I’m Always Thinking…

I’m Always Thinking…

On hot summer days, I’d sit on the floor at my Aunt Donna’s house and listen as she played the piano and wrote music or go to my grandma’s house to spend the night, and wake up to the pungent scent of Folgers in the morning. But then another part of me thinks about the hard stuff . . .

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Empty Christmas

Empty Christmas

The air was thin

A heart restless, empty within

Another Christmas, another song
Yet we wonder: “This will go on for how long?”
Dusty tinsel lined the Wal-Mart shelves
Thanksgiving decorations were crowded out with elves
The bells were ringing
Mariah Carey kept on singing…

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Are We There Yet?!

Are We There Yet?!

Our effervescent daughter let out an uncharacteristic sigh and said, “When are we eevveerrr going to arrive?” 
“Hey, yeah dad, are we there yet? When are we gonna get to Aunt Sarah’s house?” our ten-year-old son chimed in. . . .

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Practice produces Progress

Practice produces Progress

On our first try, should could barely get the arrows set on the string and they were flying all around the target and up into the trees. But after our third attempt at the range, she was landing those arrows into the target every time. Whap!
Spiritual growth – progress forward as a Jesus-follower – doesn’t happen by a passive drip-process of reverse osmosis…

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