When the Wheels Come Off

When the Wheels Come Off

While the last ten months were filled with uncertainty across America, the last few weeks have been nothing short of utter chaos. Myriad theories abound but one thing is clear: our nation is broken. The wheels have come off…

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Who Knows?

Who Knows?

What a day. I write to you as our national election remains entirely up-in-the-air. Yet you and I must not despair. Although our nation’s fate seems to be hanging by a thread, our hope is in a King, who will deal with justice and truth in the end.  As a poet once soulfully proclaimed: 

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Now Is The Time.

Now Is The Time.

Now is the time. God’s power working through His people can do what the government cannot.
How may we band together to step up as a unified force of good-will for the peace and welfare of our community?

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Sears’ Bankruptcy: an Analogy of Church Stagnancy

Sears’ Bankruptcy: an Analogy of Church Stagnancy

100 years ago, Sears-Roebuck and Co. was second to none. They defined the term cutting edge by placing their colorful mail-order catalogs in nearly every home across America. Little children giggled over the huge toy section. Moms coveted the latest Kenmore kitchen appliances. Dads stashed away their pennies to buy lifetime-guaranteed Craftsman tools. But now the former industry leader, once perched on the lofty heights of Chicago’s Sears Tower, is seeing all those warm, fuzzy feelings vanish like a bullfrog atop quicksand.
Change is essential to survival.
Making wrong, maladaptive changes = death.
Making right, adaptive changes = health.

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One Team. One Goal.

One Team. One Goal.

With each paddle dipping into the water in perfect rhythm, so God calls us to “contend side-by-side for the faith of the Gospel.” Each of us is wired and gifted in different ways by our amazingly creative God. No two rowers are alike. The same goes for church members in the body of Christ. So we must exercise humility, which is the Spirit-directed source of unity. . . .

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A Place of Refuge

A Place of Refuge

…I silently slid into the back pew with Hudson and hoped today he would be calm during the worship service. I quietly whispered a prayer that he would not run off like a wild goose or blurt out, “Don’t touch me!” 
But like so many Sundays, his composure quickly unraveled. As he flopped onto the floor and rolled over, my heart sank. Yet again, it would be a struggle for us…

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